Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cardiff-Church-Walky Che bu


Just some pictures of the church, Cardiff and friday night....big weekend!

Thats the church!, on sundays it opens from 12pm to 4pm, thats most of us that went above, awesome place went to Walkabout Shepards Bush afterwards, thats where things get even messier

Thats me after getting back off the bus from Cardiff and above is the millienuim stadium. Blew my frickin mind, amazing i was like a monkey in banana plantation.

More of the stadium........ Went with Beige Brigade, the kiwi outrfit, sung kiwi songs all the way there and back on the bus.

Stadium......Julian, yep thats him, haha and Chacha

Me outside the famous walky, so many good nights, thats Craig and Gareth above from friday night at my flat.

Another picture from the flat on friday night and the one over is the main strip in Cardiff.
Massive weekend, will be living it quiet for a little while!, haha, went to Heathrow airport on Monday to say bye to Chris and Gareth, sucks, but ill see them again, great mates for life, so many good times.
Anyway, im going to go, dude next to me in interent cafe is having some conversation and his phones on speaker, getting really annoying. I know all his lifes dramas.
Check the link below for our bus ride home:
Stay in touch, im home Jan 31st

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Geneva, Switzerland: Photos

Hey, just thought id quickly put some photos up of Geneva. One on left is one taken while walking along the lake and on the right is taken from the grounds inside the united nations.

Below is me on the grounds of the united nations and on the right is another shot looking at lakeside Geneva. Not a big city, but really beautiful.

If you click on this photo to make it bigger, you can see me at the bottom, to show you how tall this water feature is!. Next to it is inside the United Nations, worth going for a visit to.

Heres the Notre Dame from Paris, went for a wlak inside, impressive, gets a pass mark from trav, haha.

Well i hope you like, keep in touch and will email more soon,

Monday, November 06, 2006

Go the All Blacks: Photos

Go the all blacks! had a great day at the larrick in putney bridge, got bloody drunk but everyone was in good spirits!

The photo next to th one above is fro the night before, wearing our flatmates wigs, had a bit of a fireworks night here and just a good old laugh. We had a bed out the front that my flatmate broke down to keep our fire going. Caught up with Cha cha from IEP, the guys brought round the ps2 and rugby 2006, we watched the Australia vs Wales game as well.


Monday, October 30, 2006

Work photo


this is just a a photo taken the other day from work, thought id throw it.

Photos from Geneva coming, sorry!


Halloween: Photos

Hey, went to a halloween party at a friend of mine, Sheries house on the weekend, had a great time and had waaaaaaay too much to drink but was definelty worth it. I was dressed as Bob Marley, well a rasta that went by the name Bob, haha, the photos above on the left are the guys i hung out with heaps since been here, on the right is a photo taken from the lounge. Good times.

Gareth and Matt Chris, Sherie and myself

Me and Sherie Chirs and me checking oursleves out in the mirror.
Gareth went as a mummy and Chris went as Draculas bride, hahaha
Also a quick mention, Leith is going home tomorrow which sux, but thanks heaps mate for everything, your a great mate, look forward to seeing you back in auckland at the sinbin!
Let me know whats going on with everyone,

Monday, October 16, 2006

Munich: Photos

On the early morning tour bus i caught i took these photos, all in and around the city centre......

I found this church while walking around, could hear the bells from a while away, massive and beautiful church.

By far the best hostel Ive stayed in in terms of quality, recommend it fully. A view up the neighbouring street.
Here are some more pictures from Dachau Concentration camp that i took:

The above sigh says "never again" in 5 languages, thats the view as i walk in the gate. Beautiful day to look at such a sad thing.

Theres the opening gate, next to that is the furnace where the bodies would go.

Thats the gas chamber that the Nazis say was never actually used there at Dachau.
My stay in Munich is coming to an end but i have to say that this a great city, to be honest if i could afford to id stay here and give going back to Paris tonight a miss but hey, either or ay!
Went out walking this morinmg and its full of beautiful parks that my camera got tired of taking pictures of and obviously just steeped in so much history. A more relaxed city than London or Paris.
Really pleased i decided to come here, worth every dollar.

Paris: Photos

This is a photo i took from the top of the eiffel tower, it had a whole bunch of cities and then i saw mine! Next to that is a view from the top or 2nd level, amazinmg how far out i could see into Paris.

If you click on this photo here ive left it in its original format, awesome.Thats my photo taken by some stranger.

Heres the crew i met in Paris having dinner, we were all complete strangers except for two of the girls, wicked time. Thats another view from the top of the river that runs through.

How weird are those cigs that i bought in Paris, haha, thats the bridge leading over to the Eiffel tower.

Arc De Trioumpe (maybe spelling error.....)

.....and theres Maximus Higgins....i mean me! ha