Monday, September 25, 2006

Party in Tooting!!!!! Photos

Hey, whats going on? we had a bit of a party at my flat on saturday and i thought id share some photos, were all bending down because well we thought the camera wasnt up high enough, turns out it was! ha, we all had a good night, i was pretty well drunk but youd expect no less, ill be taking it easy for a while after that weekend ill tell you.
Gareth, Craig and Mike Everyone but me!

Wade and the fire!(flatmate) Everyone just relaxing talking crap!

Chris and Gareth Me and Chris, i think he's flexing muscles there, hope hes not dancing!hahaha
Anyway, thanks to all those that keep in contact!, much luv!
Off for my trip in 13 days, awesome!
Take care and keep in touch,

Monday, September 18, 2006

London Photos

Hey guys, went out taking pictures on sunday, as i dint have my camera when we were doing the tourist thing, hope you like them......

London eye and Big Ben

Thsi is on the strand and the photo next to it is Somerset house, that are with the fountains turns into a ice skating rng in winter, how cool is that?, im there!

This photo above i took from Lambeth Bridge i think and the one next to it is Westminster Abbey which is huge!

This the the house of parliment from a garden to the side of it and the one next to it is another view from lambeth bridge staring V!

Here is a front view of House of parliement

...And this is the view from my window in my room, not bad for £66 per week! ha
Anyway thats enough for one day!
Just having a quiet night, had a big one on fridaym headed out to Putney and yea..... was a good night, had a bit too much, my mate here Mike crashed at mine and we had a good fry up the next day. Apart from that, i did these photos on the sunday and just chilled the rest of the time.
Take care, look forward to hearing from you soon,

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sep 11th


Just a quick blog, for those that dont know, my Nana passed away on saturday. Once again this has been testing and sometimes dont know where my heads at. My flatmates are cool, work was ok and i got some mates here but in truth if i had the money i may not be here now, i know i have to do this, i do, and i probably wouldnt have comeback but maybe its a good thing i dont have the money, that way i will never know but it can play with the mind.

Hats off to my family, Mum, Dad and Vanessa, your truly awesome.

My Nan was amazing, i love her very much and will miss her, will make coming back without her there very different. Though, the pain she has been through recently, I know she is in a happier place.

Trying to focus all my energies on this trip to Europe.

Thats it, just a quick update,

Will write longer soon,



Monday, September 04, 2006

Birthday pictures

Hey, just a couple of pictures from when i went out to Soho for my 24th, was an awesome night. We went out trying to find karoke but it turns out that karoke must be a big thing here in London as it was all booked or what have you, so we settled for alcohol, music and good company. Got to bed around 4am from memory, playing rugby 2006 after we got back city, with Craig on his PS2, that game rocks by the way!, then i crashed on his floor. the chicks in the photos are two American girls Chris and Gareth met at the local in bayswater, i believe the story goes that chris chased them after they walked out of the pub and they all ended up playing texas hold 'em poker (whatever that is) and yea, they were top chicks, everyone had a great time, thankfully there was no haka from memory, unlike last saturday when i made a complete fool of myself at my own house, haha buuuuut thats another story.
By the way, i leave London to go to New York on the 18th for two nights and then to Los Angeles for two nights, then back home to Auckland on the 22nd of feb.

Anyway, this was before Dublin, so check out those ones below this.
