Monday, September 18, 2006

London Photos

Hey guys, went out taking pictures on sunday, as i dint have my camera when we were doing the tourist thing, hope you like them......

London eye and Big Ben

Thsi is on the strand and the photo next to it is Somerset house, that are with the fountains turns into a ice skating rng in winter, how cool is that?, im there!

This photo above i took from Lambeth Bridge i think and the one next to it is Westminster Abbey which is huge!

This the the house of parliment from a garden to the side of it and the one next to it is another view from lambeth bridge staring V!

Here is a front view of House of parliement

...And this is the view from my window in my room, not bad for £66 per week! ha
Anyway thats enough for one day!
Just having a quiet night, had a big one on fridaym headed out to Putney and yea..... was a good night, had a bit too much, my mate here Mike crashed at mine and we had a good fry up the next day. Apart from that, i did these photos on the sunday and just chilled the rest of the time.
Take care, look forward to hearing from you soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TRAVIS TRAVIS TRAVIS...! Who's the lass everyone is trying to mack on in the photos hahaha the lads at B.E.P were just wondering... Keep your Chin up boy an' keep livin it up!