Monday, September 25, 2006

Party in Tooting!!!!! Photos

Hey, whats going on? we had a bit of a party at my flat on saturday and i thought id share some photos, were all bending down because well we thought the camera wasnt up high enough, turns out it was! ha, we all had a good night, i was pretty well drunk but youd expect no less, ill be taking it easy for a while after that weekend ill tell you.
Gareth, Craig and Mike Everyone but me!

Wade and the fire!(flatmate) Everyone just relaxing talking crap!

Chris and Gareth Me and Chris, i think he's flexing muscles there, hope hes not dancing!hahaha
Anyway, thanks to all those that keep in contact!, much luv!
Off for my trip in 13 days, awesome!
Take care and keep in touch,

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