Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Whats happening?


Cheers for the comments guys!

Duno about Mittens ange, haha, nah its cool, i just feel sorry for the cat when it has to go to Cat School and gets dissed by all the other kittens cause of its name but ni guess you wont be there to witness that so you dont really care do you....bitch.....haha, nah its a cool name, shitface wasnt really working i thought either.

Looking for a place to stay at the moment, our lease runs out on Monday!!!, so ive got a place to look at in Gloucster road and North Acton tomorrow. So will see how they go but if they fall thru ive got a cheap hostel to fall back on but not to keen on staying there too long, think ive had to good here for too long.

Anyway dinners burning!, pork, eggs etc, you guys know me! i havent changed!

Have a good one,


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Warriors 66-0! (Click here for Jeeves Blog link)

hey hey!

The above is the link for julians blog, its got tonnes of photos, tho he's been lazy and hasnt written a word for ages, its still worth checking out. Tried to play with the links thing on the left of the page but im pretty simple when it comes to computers, haha.

At work so cant type much at the moment, the day is dragging........wish i was on the train home, i can see the Bayswater sign now!........ Just back from lunch, had a shrivelled up microwaved sausage roll, yummy!, haha (u didnt know where i waa goin there did ya!)

Got the Warriors!!! 66-0 vs Souths, thatl shut the haters up for a while, what you got now!

Mum goin to the panthers game this weekend, good on ya mum, holdin up the fort, so proud.

Be cool,


Monday, June 26, 2006

London 26/06/06

So much to tell, but im sure ive told most of you about all of this thru emails.

Anyway, Ive been here in london for going on 3 months now and to be honest its gone so fast. Alot of partying and alot of drinking(Woops) haha. its been rally good though, met so many good people.

Got back from Scotland thinking i could easliy live there, its a beautiful country, went to Edinburgh castle, did the whole tour thing, that was cool, got heaps of photos, had an awesome time.

Going to Barcelona in 3 weeks or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, im so excited, me, Leith and another mate that i met back in Kiwiland goin to hostel it which will be sweet! Dont really know alot about Spain but i just cant wait to see the sand and beach.

Home from work, weather pretty crappy today, me and jeeves just putting the final touches to our DVD in the next week, let me know who wants a copy, email me or just post a comment. Its so bloody cool if i may say so, its got clips and music to all our times here so far in london.

Weve had really great weather here the last month, hotter than in auckland anyway!!! haha

Had a few too many yesterday, went out to watch the game (England vs Ecudor(Spellcheck)) at Canary Wharf on the big screen and apparently there was trouble there a week or two back so it was cancelled, then me and jeeves headed up to Tower Hill but that was advanced tickets only, so we headed back to our local and by this time i was as you can imagine, a lil drunk, went in there screamed at Beckham and Rooney and left to come home, four of us ended up playing touch in the street at home here, woke up today actually feeling pretty good.

Anyway, im going go and shower, will check this and reply tomorrow when i get home from work tomorrow.

Love you all that love me!


3 months away from home

How insane is that....


Here i go again. Ive found this new site and looks tonnes better than my space.

Im at work at the moment, missing my afternoon cig cause im trying to give it the flick.

Australia vs Italy on tonight!, gona miss it tho, will be awesome game.

I am gona be dedicated to keepinf this blog going, so much so, it will become my new laugh now.....haha

Im headin home in few hours and i will start updating this every two days, thjis will become even more important when i dont have a computer and only have ltd time at the internet cafe.

