Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Whats happening?


Cheers for the comments guys!

Duno about Mittens ange, haha, nah its cool, i just feel sorry for the cat when it has to go to Cat School and gets dissed by all the other kittens cause of its name but ni guess you wont be there to witness that so you dont really care do you....bitch.....haha, nah its a cool name, shitface wasnt really working i thought either.

Looking for a place to stay at the moment, our lease runs out on Monday!!!, so ive got a place to look at in Gloucster road and North Acton tomorrow. So will see how they go but if they fall thru ive got a cheap hostel to fall back on but not to keen on staying there too long, think ive had to good here for too long.

Anyway dinners burning!, pork, eggs etc, you guys know me! i havent changed!

Have a good one,


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