Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bath: Photos

Photos above: Leading to the main town centre, this is xmas markets i walked past, great atmosphere.

Heres the YHA i stayed in and this i very old bridge i had to pass ove rto get to town centre, its got some signaficance but i cant remember!.
Well, heres bath, 1 month later! sorry!
Real Uni town, like Dunners but 1000 or so years older, haha.
Hope your all well.


Anonymous said...

Whats up bud, its been a while since we chatted so I thought i would check out your blog! Nice to see you keeping busy, not so many parties nemore though! C'mon cuz you letting the team down! Anyway things are great here in South Africa and we are all good! Hope all is well in preparing to go home! Let everyone that side know we say Howzit B-) ay and nice pics Chris

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.