Monday, October 30, 2006

Work photo


this is just a a photo taken the other day from work, thought id throw it.

Photos from Geneva coming, sorry!


Halloween: Photos

Hey, went to a halloween party at a friend of mine, Sheries house on the weekend, had a great time and had waaaaaaay too much to drink but was definelty worth it. I was dressed as Bob Marley, well a rasta that went by the name Bob, haha, the photos above on the left are the guys i hung out with heaps since been here, on the right is a photo taken from the lounge. Good times.

Gareth and Matt Chris, Sherie and myself

Me and Sherie Chirs and me checking oursleves out in the mirror.
Gareth went as a mummy and Chris went as Draculas bride, hahaha
Also a quick mention, Leith is going home tomorrow which sux, but thanks heaps mate for everything, your a great mate, look forward to seeing you back in auckland at the sinbin!
Let me know whats going on with everyone,

Monday, October 16, 2006

Munich: Photos

On the early morning tour bus i caught i took these photos, all in and around the city centre......

I found this church while walking around, could hear the bells from a while away, massive and beautiful church.

By far the best hostel Ive stayed in in terms of quality, recommend it fully. A view up the neighbouring street.
Here are some more pictures from Dachau Concentration camp that i took:

The above sigh says "never again" in 5 languages, thats the view as i walk in the gate. Beautiful day to look at such a sad thing.

Theres the opening gate, next to that is the furnace where the bodies would go.

Thats the gas chamber that the Nazis say was never actually used there at Dachau.
My stay in Munich is coming to an end but i have to say that this a great city, to be honest if i could afford to id stay here and give going back to Paris tonight a miss but hey, either or ay!
Went out walking this morinmg and its full of beautiful parks that my camera got tired of taking pictures of and obviously just steeped in so much history. A more relaxed city than London or Paris.
Really pleased i decided to come here, worth every dollar.

Paris: Photos

This is a photo i took from the top of the eiffel tower, it had a whole bunch of cities and then i saw mine! Next to that is a view from the top or 2nd level, amazinmg how far out i could see into Paris.

If you click on this photo here ive left it in its original format, awesome.Thats my photo taken by some stranger.

Heres the crew i met in Paris having dinner, we were all complete strangers except for two of the girls, wicked time. Thats another view from the top of the river that runs through.

How weird are those cigs that i bought in Paris, haha, thats the bridge leading over to the Eiffel tower.

Arc De Trioumpe (maybe spelling error.....)

.....and theres Maximus Higgins....i mean me! ha

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dachau concentration camp, Munich:Photos

Hey, well this is Dachau Concentration camp, the 1st camp built by the nazis, massive complex this shot is only looking at the main buildling and parade ground, sobering experience its fair to say. The gate above is where you in towards what you see in the other photo. thos words on the gate mean in german "Work equals freedom", or something like that!
Got heaps of my own photos but i couldnt find a open photo shop today to put them on CD.
Went on one of those tour buses for the first time, i generally dont use them but as i dont have much time here i though tit would be the best idea.
Off back to paris tomorrow, then after 2 nights im off to geneva then bask to London on 21st.
Munich is alot more relaxed than Paris.
Crashed out last nite at 8pm, haha, the bus ride took it out of me.
If you click on the title it will take you to a brief history on the concentration camp and a few more pictures at wikipedia.
So ill go and enjoy the blue sky but cold breeze but hope you all have a great day,

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Munich, Germany

So here i am, 13 hours or so on the bus from Paris, pretty worn out, slept a little bit on bus. Met this nice German guy on the bus that hs invited me around to his house tomorrow with his girlfriend for dinner so that was cool, and he showed me how to get to my hostel, its called the wombat, really nice and seems to be heaps of Aussies (isnt there always....haha)

Was thinking that by the time i get back to London i would have used trains, planes, ferries and buses on this trip, insane how convenient travel is here.

Walked around for a while yesterday trying to get money off my credit card as i had a bit of cash on there, turns out the people i asked wouldnt forward me the cash, so i got no cash from them and 40 odd euro in my wallet. Called Mastercard global services, they seem to be sorting it out, ill call them every hour if i have to!.

Sooooo looking forward to having a shower, got this b*tch of a blister on my foot that i got from walking in my jandels to much in Paris and had bad toothache ojn the bus last nite that gave me a headache, hoping it will hold off for a week until i get back to London, i will go and buy some painkillers after ive had a nap and got this money sorted.

The German keyboard is much like ours, just a few differences, which makes typing alot easier.

From what ive seen so far this city has 1.4 million poeple and they have trains, buses and trams, when will Auckland catch up ay?

Keen to go on the concentration camp tour here, 19 euro, so hopefully will get that cash and do these things. Munich seems a little cheaper than Paris thank christ!.

Anyway, im going to get outa here and call mastercard and have a nap, check in is at 2pm so 30 mins to kick,

Take care,


Friday, October 13, 2006

Some photos from Paris

Awesome ay!

Elliot and Rachel from hostel and myself outside Eiffel tower.....picture of it sparking, really beautiful.

Thats the crew i met at hosetl, chilling out, having a wine and playing gutiar outside effiel tower, was a fantatic night and theres the hostel that got us togehter, peace and love baby, hahaha

Pictures of the Lourve, HUGE place, so impressive, cant take photos of Mona Lisa but i was there for an hour or so, you would need all day or a week to appreciate it fully.

The Lourve above and next to that is the view from my hostel room, could see the effiel tower in the distance. Paris is seriously the best city ive visited, if i knew french it would be even better1 haha.
I have way more photos to go up but will do that all later once there on CD, or i have ,y cord to transfer from camera,
Take care and keep in touch,

Brussels from the train

This is my one decent photo of Brussells from the train, haha. So not sure where or that is but there you go!

Amsterdam: the photos!

Hey my people,

Decided to put some phots up while im resting a bit today

This was the view from our 2nd hostel, the next photo is a view of the leaning houses.

A view down one of the canals, well the above speaks for it self! ha (i didnt go in, honest)

Thats me outside one a club, not a smoking one i think, had a cool neon 70s theme going on inside both club and coffee shop. The photo next is a view from around the city centre, heaps of trams and bikes, my god, millions of bikes.

Another view from aorund the city centre.
Amsterdam was really beautiful, whether your there to smoke or just to see the sights it works for both and nost poeple speak english which helps heaps! I went to Anne Franks house, toured the Heiniken Brewery and paddled around the canals with the guys, wicked time. Our first hostel was chritian where we got asked if we wanted to partake in bible readings, wasnt really our thuing so we left there for the rainbow palace, sounds a bit gay but i was really cool, except for the stairs! haha, Julian, Andrew and myself had a room to ourselves which was sweet.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos heaps more to come, these just the ones i have on my CD here at the moment,
Take care
