Saturday, October 14, 2006

Munich, Germany

So here i am, 13 hours or so on the bus from Paris, pretty worn out, slept a little bit on bus. Met this nice German guy on the bus that hs invited me around to his house tomorrow with his girlfriend for dinner so that was cool, and he showed me how to get to my hostel, its called the wombat, really nice and seems to be heaps of Aussies (isnt there always....haha)

Was thinking that by the time i get back to London i would have used trains, planes, ferries and buses on this trip, insane how convenient travel is here.

Walked around for a while yesterday trying to get money off my credit card as i had a bit of cash on there, turns out the people i asked wouldnt forward me the cash, so i got no cash from them and 40 odd euro in my wallet. Called Mastercard global services, they seem to be sorting it out, ill call them every hour if i have to!.

Sooooo looking forward to having a shower, got this b*tch of a blister on my foot that i got from walking in my jandels to much in Paris and had bad toothache ojn the bus last nite that gave me a headache, hoping it will hold off for a week until i get back to London, i will go and buy some painkillers after ive had a nap and got this money sorted.

The German keyboard is much like ours, just a few differences, which makes typing alot easier.

From what ive seen so far this city has 1.4 million poeple and they have trains, buses and trams, when will Auckland catch up ay?

Keen to go on the concentration camp tour here, 19 euro, so hopefully will get that cash and do these things. Munich seems a little cheaper than Paris thank christ!.

Anyway, im going to get outa here and call mastercard and have a nap, check in is at 2pm so 30 mins to kick,

Take care,


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