Friday, October 13, 2006

Amsterdam: the photos!

Hey my people,

Decided to put some phots up while im resting a bit today

This was the view from our 2nd hostel, the next photo is a view of the leaning houses.

A view down one of the canals, well the above speaks for it self! ha (i didnt go in, honest)

Thats me outside one a club, not a smoking one i think, had a cool neon 70s theme going on inside both club and coffee shop. The photo next is a view from around the city centre, heaps of trams and bikes, my god, millions of bikes.

Another view from aorund the city centre.
Amsterdam was really beautiful, whether your there to smoke or just to see the sights it works for both and nost poeple speak english which helps heaps! I went to Anne Franks house, toured the Heiniken Brewery and paddled around the canals with the guys, wicked time. Our first hostel was chritian where we got asked if we wanted to partake in bible readings, wasnt really our thuing so we left there for the rainbow palace, sounds a bit gay but i was really cool, except for the stairs! haha, Julian, Andrew and myself had a room to ourselves which was sweet.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos heaps more to come, these just the ones i have on my CD here at the moment,
Take care


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