Friday, October 13, 2006

Some photos from Paris

Awesome ay!

Elliot and Rachel from hostel and myself outside Eiffel tower.....picture of it sparking, really beautiful.

Thats the crew i met at hosetl, chilling out, having a wine and playing gutiar outside effiel tower, was a fantatic night and theres the hostel that got us togehter, peace and love baby, hahaha

Pictures of the Lourve, HUGE place, so impressive, cant take photos of Mona Lisa but i was there for an hour or so, you would need all day or a week to appreciate it fully.

The Lourve above and next to that is the view from my hostel room, could see the effiel tower in the distance. Paris is seriously the best city ive visited, if i knew french it would be even better1 haha.
I have way more photos to go up but will do that all later once there on CD, or i have ,y cord to transfer from camera,
Take care and keep in touch,

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