Monday, August 28, 2006

Drunken in Dublin (Mikes sayin that i pinched): the photos!

Hey, dublin rocked!. Me and Mike had an aweosme time.

The one at the top is of me drunk outside a bar in temple bar, thats a photo a took of the river on the way back home(drunk). Below them on left is a bridge behind Lansdowne road Stadium where the irish team plays rugby internationals, had to got there!, thats me to the side with the stadium in the background, we couldnt get in, but we made do with what part of it we could see, haha. Down from that on left is Trinity college (Massive and very nice), me and mike while we were just chillin close to Dublin castle, photo down from left is me outside the castle. Beside that is a museum that ended uop having a very interesting elder Irish man that shared some of his wisdom to us about several things, was cool and below that was our final stop at the Guiness factory, all pretty much in a day and we walked it mostly (except for stadium), we were buggered when we got back to the hostel. Mike had a nap, while i juts lay down, then we went out for one more guiness and that was us, back to work tomorrow! haha, trip through Wales was well worth it, ferry ride to Dublin ports was cool, all something different.

Anyway, im outa here, will write soon,

Keep in touch,


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Abbey Road....8 days a week

Yo yo yo,

Whats happening? that photo was taken a month or two back. Of course its the infamous crossing that Paul, John, me and the other fellas walked over all the years back, those were the days...............

As a side note, Lords cricket ground is really bloody close, me and Jeeves walked out of the tube on a mission to go and see Lords, when we got out, there was a Abbey road gift shop, I looked at Jeeves and we put 1052+7628 together and realised that it must be close. Good times in London!


Monday, August 21, 2006

My Birthday

Hey, hey!

Just a quick blog to say thanks to all those who sent messages for my birthday and watch out for those that didnt.......(X files music....)

No broke, like any good traveller ought to be.

Had a wicked birthday, went out to soho of all places, it was really good about 7 of us. When I stopped by to see Leith, I went down to the toliet when i came back up i found the whole bar singing happy birthday to me, haha, i went red, was really cool.

7 mintutes to go here at the internet cafe so im going to go, in this short amount of time its now 4 minutes,

Love you all,


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Portsmouth photos

Well it wouldnt let me put them all up but here are some, thats us on the train down, theres all of us at that club I was telling you about and thats me and chris givin it up at the club. That street is what greeted us all at 9:30am the next morning, thats the waterfront as we walked around the shops and the canal or whatever. If you look at the photo with the big white spinaker that is on the waterfront and rather large I may add.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gday Gday Gday


Just a quick blog.

Have decided today that in mid october ill bus to Paris accorss the channel, then spend two nights in Paris, after that i will rail to Geneva (Switzerland) and spend two nights there, from there i will rail to Rome and spend two nights as well after that ill hopefully be heading down to Athens!, heres hoping i got enough money! haha.

So thats my big news. Really excited, thatl be by far my biggest trip over here. Taking two weeks off work which my boss seemed pretty sweet with.

Duno whats going on here with these photos, will try a different internet cafe.

Have a great day, will write soon


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

One night in Portsmouth.....

Well im at the internet cafe, trying to put photos of Portsmouth but its not working for me. Nothing is today, i put my cigs down at work and left them there on my break, needless to say they were gone by lunch!

It was really, really good, pleased that i went. Got absolutely drunk on the saturday was at this club where there was hip hop/rnb on the bottom floor and dance on the other one. As you can imagine i was up on stage, giving it my all in a drunken haze. 6 of us in total went and from the train trip down it was a party. The next day we hit the shops and mucked about by the harbour, all the shops are like outlets eg Nike and Puma but heaps of them, all different types at reasonable prices.

Awesome to see the ocean and get out of London for the night. The train home was good, the others kept on drinkin, their soldiers i tell you! while i lay down behind them! id had enough for one weekend.

I wasnt going to go but i thought stuff it, one chance only to do these type of things so im broke but i did it, only 1 week til payday so im on a string!

One quick story, the mental hospital is accross the road from work and this black lady just rants and raves, was having a cig the other morning before work and she came and sat in teh smoking cabin, this younger girl closer behind, anyway im minding my own business and she says in a quiyte a loud voice, 'IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?' we both just laughed, never seen this girl in my life and she was standing on the other side of cabin.

I hope everyone is cool,

Will write longer soon and get these photos up, must be this computer or something!,

Have a great day


Friday, August 11, 2006

Off to Portsmouth tomo

Well guys(TC if your Ange) im off to Portsmouth tomorrow, wasnt goin to go but hey i wont get this opportunity again ay, money isnt the easiest this month but Im sure ill be ok. Were catchin the train down, 14 pounds returnso thats sweet. So there seems to be a decesnt group of us( 5 or 6) heading down, im likely to be the only Kiwi. I put a map up there so you can see where it is if your england geo isnt up to standard, haha (i wasnt even sure and im off there tomo). Its friday here, was supposed to be going to Soho tonight to meet up with a mate from NZ, Denise, but its a long way to go and shes going to the theatre at 830pm so it would have been a rush anyway, ill try my best to get down her way.

Anyway, im off, gota buy rubbish bags on the way home, cant forget, haha..yea im cool, have a good day or night,

Be cool


Happy 22nd Birthday Ness

I hope you have a great day, sorry i cant be there to share it with you, your the best sister in the world!. I love you heaps and hope you have an awesome day.

Lots of Love

Your big (lil) bro


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The inaugural: Top ten things I miss from home

Ok, excluding family and friends ok because thats just a little obvious:

1: Mince and cheese pies from Sunnynook
2: Driving a car
3: Wendys meal number two! Big bacon classic
4: Milford/Takapuna Beach
5: Knowing where I am
6: Not seeing a homeless bum every 5 steps (exaggeration?...... ok...yes)
7: Mt Victoria (Random i know but that place is cool)
8: The Sinbin and just chillin there with a cold tui
9: My Tv, Stereo, cds and not having the same constant 110 songs on my ipod for what has been weeks now
10: Watching the WARRIORS at Mt Smart or even on TV!!!

...but im sure i can hold out for these things, hahaha :)


Monday, August 07, 2006

Twickenham Photos

Twickenham was amazing, awesome. Thats me outside the players tunnel where they run out to play, they were still buliding the south stand. That fortree sign above is what the England players see when they walk into their changing rooms, pity they suck ay!. That ranmdom guy was our tour guide, really insightful, used to be the president of RFU or something so he knew his stuff. Where hes standing by those doors thats where the players run out to where im standing.

Luvin the photos

Julian, Chris, Mike and and Jeeves couldnt resist with Johnys wood....... Yes Mum that is your professional work colleague one night out in Notting Hill, hahaha,

Kristan, julian, chris, Gareth, Myself, Craig and Dan out in Tex Mex, Notting Hill, I tried to steal one of those hats but the manager found me down the road!....At least i tried.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Flat photos

This is my flat!, cool ay? were the red door in the middle there, by the black car. You can actually see my bedroom window, if you look straight up by the big one im the small window next to it! haha Thats my Bedroom, small but cosy!, theres that window. The other photo is looking up the street, Coronation st lookalike huh?

Have a great day guys :)


More photos of Spain!

The beach was awesome, thats me at the stadium and one of me headin there if you look above the board it says trav de la courts or sumthing....Rock on!

Spain: The Photos!!!!!!!!!!!

Top left is at the beach in Barcelona, next one over is at the ramblas, main street of performers doing shows and lots of shops, thats me, Leith and Luke on Ryan air as were tkaing off from London Stansted. Down is that church i was talking about, sagrada famillia??? something...., next is that massive column, thats me and Luke down by the ports, another of the church and finally the MASSIVE Barcelona Foosball Stadium! haha,

Much Luv, more to follow!


Friday, August 04, 2006

Kia Ora New Zealand, Dublin 26th August!


Well, i at work its 1pm and theres no one else in my office at the moment.

So yea ive got Dublin on the 26th, which will be awesome, goin with a Saffa guy so thatl cool. Got to go to Temple bar apparently with a host im sure of other tourist-on-a-budget things.

Cheers for yours comments Kiel mate!, will get back to you, say hi to the whole BEP crew, much luv!.

Spain was really good, had a couple of bad things happen but the beach was worth it, will get the photos up asap, it really was so nice after London, Londons cool but there isnt any beach here, hahaha. The Aussie guy i was with apparently had his wallet pinched, i was there but very drunk which is probably why we were targeted and it was 5am in the morning. Shelley had her bag snatched as she was walking down the pavement with Leith at 2am, guy on a scooter just dragged it off her pulling her to the ground leaving her with scratches etc, all of us found the police not very helpful then again we dont speak spanish but the forms for stolen stuff was at the front counter, not that youll ever get it back i presume but all for insurance purposes. But really i know it sounds bad but the trip was really amazing. Went for a full tour of Barcelona football stadfium where Ronaldihino plays (guy with the big teeth) and saw the chursh thats been in contruction for 200 years or something, haha, and walked the ramblas at night and day, offered things that i cant write on here (favours...) but i gratefully declined that was at night, during the day it just has street acts the whole way up, put money int heir box and they go for it and do a little show. So yea, Ryanair who we flew with were good but its like a flying shop, youve got to even buy water if you want it for christ sake!. We flew in and out from Gerona about one hour and a bit from Barcelona.

Dublin is my next port of call. Then Paris next month, then hopefully off to watch the All Blacks play Wales in Cardiff!, something i really want to do.

Have i said that ive also gone for a full tour of Twickenham stadium here in London, once again the photos will follow.

Work is going ok, fairly mundane but it pays for all i ahve to do and the people i work with are nice.

Moved inot my new flat, 2 aussies, 1 Zim, 1 swed and another kiwi fella, all very nice and a few years above me, which is cool. My flat is out of the way in terms of the mates ive made here, but im heading up to Central London tonight to meet up with a aussie mate and hopefully some others to go to the Shepards Bush Walkabout, have a few pre drinks in Hyde park.

Hope you all are ok, thanks to those who are staying in touch.

Also, my grandfather passed away 3-4 weeks ago, which had made the last month a challenging one. Went to query how much a ticket was to come home was out of interest, it was £1800 or something stupid, Mum would have kicked my ass if i had come home anyway, . So i cant say it has been the easiest time of my life but i also have never forgotten why im here and thats to do all those things i talked about. This is where im supposesed to be at this moment in my life, my only reason for coming home would be for Mum and i know she is proud and fully wants me here so that makes me feel good. Ive done alot of thinking and talking to back home of recent. My mum has been incredibly strong and im so very proud of her, Vanessa is also doing a great job and i truly apprecuiate that, my mates that ive made here and Julian were very good to me during that week.

Juialn moved to Scotland now, he has a job last report, so big ups Jeeves, make us proud bro!. i will definelty go up and visit him once hes settled.

Apart form that, i better go and do some work!!!, your all awesome, always thinking about home, never leaves you.

Hope you all find something to smile about today :) and i will hear from/speak/email/text you very soon.

Please all take care,

Lots of luv


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sorry, blame the internet cafe

Hey guys,

You would never believe me but i just wrote a big ass blog and the internet crashed. Stupid internet cafes, so im gona do this again over weekend. Sorry but go the All Blacks!!!!! 13-9 bless you ya bastards, stick it up the Aussies!!!!!

Sapin was awesome, and the pictures will be up soon (Within the week) and ill also post pictures of my new flat up.

Have a great day guys,

Keep letting me know how your goin,

love hearing from all of you

