Friday, August 04, 2006

Kia Ora New Zealand, Dublin 26th August!


Well, i at work its 1pm and theres no one else in my office at the moment.

So yea ive got Dublin on the 26th, which will be awesome, goin with a Saffa guy so thatl cool. Got to go to Temple bar apparently with a host im sure of other tourist-on-a-budget things.

Cheers for yours comments Kiel mate!, will get back to you, say hi to the whole BEP crew, much luv!.

Spain was really good, had a couple of bad things happen but the beach was worth it, will get the photos up asap, it really was so nice after London, Londons cool but there isnt any beach here, hahaha. The Aussie guy i was with apparently had his wallet pinched, i was there but very drunk which is probably why we were targeted and it was 5am in the morning. Shelley had her bag snatched as she was walking down the pavement with Leith at 2am, guy on a scooter just dragged it off her pulling her to the ground leaving her with scratches etc, all of us found the police not very helpful then again we dont speak spanish but the forms for stolen stuff was at the front counter, not that youll ever get it back i presume but all for insurance purposes. But really i know it sounds bad but the trip was really amazing. Went for a full tour of Barcelona football stadfium where Ronaldihino plays (guy with the big teeth) and saw the chursh thats been in contruction for 200 years or something, haha, and walked the ramblas at night and day, offered things that i cant write on here (favours...) but i gratefully declined that was at night, during the day it just has street acts the whole way up, put money int heir box and they go for it and do a little show. So yea, Ryanair who we flew with were good but its like a flying shop, youve got to even buy water if you want it for christ sake!. We flew in and out from Gerona about one hour and a bit from Barcelona.

Dublin is my next port of call. Then Paris next month, then hopefully off to watch the All Blacks play Wales in Cardiff!, something i really want to do.

Have i said that ive also gone for a full tour of Twickenham stadium here in London, once again the photos will follow.

Work is going ok, fairly mundane but it pays for all i ahve to do and the people i work with are nice.

Moved inot my new flat, 2 aussies, 1 Zim, 1 swed and another kiwi fella, all very nice and a few years above me, which is cool. My flat is out of the way in terms of the mates ive made here, but im heading up to Central London tonight to meet up with a aussie mate and hopefully some others to go to the Shepards Bush Walkabout, have a few pre drinks in Hyde park.

Hope you all are ok, thanks to those who are staying in touch.

Also, my grandfather passed away 3-4 weeks ago, which had made the last month a challenging one. Went to query how much a ticket was to come home was out of interest, it was £1800 or something stupid, Mum would have kicked my ass if i had come home anyway, . So i cant say it has been the easiest time of my life but i also have never forgotten why im here and thats to do all those things i talked about. This is where im supposesed to be at this moment in my life, my only reason for coming home would be for Mum and i know she is proud and fully wants me here so that makes me feel good. Ive done alot of thinking and talking to back home of recent. My mum has been incredibly strong and im so very proud of her, Vanessa is also doing a great job and i truly apprecuiate that, my mates that ive made here and Julian were very good to me during that week.

Juialn moved to Scotland now, he has a job last report, so big ups Jeeves, make us proud bro!. i will definelty go up and visit him once hes settled.

Apart form that, i better go and do some work!!!, your all awesome, always thinking about home, never leaves you.

Hope you all find something to smile about today :) and i will hear from/speak/email/text you very soon.

Please all take care,

Lots of luv


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