Monday, August 28, 2006

Drunken in Dublin (Mikes sayin that i pinched): the photos!

Hey, dublin rocked!. Me and Mike had an aweosme time.

The one at the top is of me drunk outside a bar in temple bar, thats a photo a took of the river on the way back home(drunk). Below them on left is a bridge behind Lansdowne road Stadium where the irish team plays rugby internationals, had to got there!, thats me to the side with the stadium in the background, we couldnt get in, but we made do with what part of it we could see, haha. Down from that on left is Trinity college (Massive and very nice), me and mike while we were just chillin close to Dublin castle, photo down from left is me outside the castle. Beside that is a museum that ended uop having a very interesting elder Irish man that shared some of his wisdom to us about several things, was cool and below that was our final stop at the Guiness factory, all pretty much in a day and we walked it mostly (except for stadium), we were buggered when we got back to the hostel. Mike had a nap, while i juts lay down, then we went out for one more guiness and that was us, back to work tomorrow! haha, trip through Wales was well worth it, ferry ride to Dublin ports was cool, all something different.

Anyway, im outa here, will write soon,

Keep in touch,


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