Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gday Gday Gday


Just a quick blog.

Have decided today that in mid october ill bus to Paris accorss the channel, then spend two nights in Paris, after that i will rail to Geneva (Switzerland) and spend two nights there, from there i will rail to Rome and spend two nights as well after that ill hopefully be heading down to Athens!, heres hoping i got enough money! haha.

So thats my big news. Really excited, thatl be by far my biggest trip over here. Taking two weeks off work which my boss seemed pretty sweet with.

Duno whats going on here with these photos, will try a different internet cafe.

Have a great day, will write soon



Anonymous said...

Nice work booyyyy!

Get that money ready and get some mean photos of the Gladiator pit!!! waaahhhooooo

Hope your all well

Check check


Anonymous said...

Cheers bro

Photos of the gladiator pit? im a gladiator mate! ill be in there, hahaha,

Have a good one mate