Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The inaugural: Top ten things I miss from home

Ok, excluding family and friends ok because thats just a little obvious:

1: Mince and cheese pies from Sunnynook
2: Driving a car
3: Wendys meal number two! Big bacon classic
4: Milford/Takapuna Beach
5: Knowing where I am
6: Not seeing a homeless bum every 5 steps (exaggeration?...... ok...yes)
7: Mt Victoria (Random i know but that place is cool)
8: The Sinbin and just chillin there with a cold tui
9: My Tv, Stereo, cds and not having the same constant 110 songs on my ipod for what has been weeks now
10: Watching the WARRIORS at Mt Smart or even on TV!!!

...but im sure i can hold out for these things, hahaha :)


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