Tuesday, August 15, 2006

One night in Portsmouth.....

Well im at the internet cafe, trying to put photos of Portsmouth but its not working for me. Nothing is today, i put my cigs down at work and left them there on my break, needless to say they were gone by lunch!

It was really, really good, pleased that i went. Got absolutely drunk on the saturday was at this club where there was hip hop/rnb on the bottom floor and dance on the other one. As you can imagine i was up on stage, giving it my all in a drunken haze. 6 of us in total went and from the train trip down it was a party. The next day we hit the shops and mucked about by the harbour, all the shops are like outlets eg Nike and Puma but heaps of them, all different types at reasonable prices.

Awesome to see the ocean and get out of London for the night. The train home was good, the others kept on drinkin, their soldiers i tell you! while i lay down behind them! id had enough for one weekend.

I wasnt going to go but i thought stuff it, one chance only to do these type of things so im broke but i did it, only 1 week til payday so im on a string!

One quick story, the mental hospital is accross the road from work and this black lady just rants and raves, was having a cig the other morning before work and she came and sat in teh smoking cabin, this younger girl closer behind, anyway im minding my own business and she says in a quiyte a loud voice, 'IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?' we both just laughed, never seen this girl in my life and she was standing on the other side of cabin.

I hope everyone is cool,

Will write longer soon and get these photos up, must be this computer or something!,

Have a great day


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